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Manifesting Manageable Metamorphosis

Contact Me:


  • Free Consultation

  • 2-4 Prenatal Visits

  • 24/7 Phone Support 2 weeks before due date

  • Support during entire labor

  • 2 Postpartum Visits

Birth Doula Service Overview:

Greetings!  Congratulations on your  journey into parenthood! Regardless if this is your first baby or fifth baby, each one holds a completely different experience to embrace and honor.  And it all starts now, while your baby is in your womb! Expecting a baby means a lot of preparation and work,  mentally, physically, and spiritually.   Seeking a doula is a magnificent way to help create your's and your baby's birth and postpartum experience as you envision it.  Preparing yourself for birth starts well before labor begins and although a lot of the work has to be done on your own a doula can help guide you.  Birth doula care starts before the birth to ensure you have all necessary information on how to surrender to  the energy of birthing while also being prepared.  Postnatal doula care helps with the healing and physical transition once your baby is in your arms. 


"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new."        ~  Rajneesh


The Many Benefits of a Trained Birth Doula:  

Having a trained birth partner can bring you an increase in comfort and confidence.  A doula serves as someone to offer you a variety of different comfort techniques such as visualtions, meditations, breathing techniques, labor positions, massage, aromatherapy, affirmations, and continuous support throughout the entire labor.  She also carries knowledge of the possible interventions and can help with communication between Mother and Doctor.  Many studies have shown the positive effects of having a doula as follows:  


40 % Decrease in chance of Induction with  Oxytocin 

45 % Decrease in chance of C-searian

30 % Decrease in chance of medication 

25% Decrease in length of labor 



(Statistics from The Doula Book)  




The Importance of Postpartum Support

Many cultures believe that after having a new baby, a mother should stay in the bed with her baby for a whole moon cycle, or even months at a time. Pregnancy, and especially labor is very taxing on a woman's body and she needs to be mothered and well rested and fed for optimal healing.  Having a postpartum doula can help you heal much faster and relieve many of the common stresses that come along with a new baby.  From specialized meal preperations, sealing ceremonies, and belly binding - there are many things you can do to take control of your healing and replenishment after labor.  A mother is going through a very big transition with a new baby and having another woman in charge of helping with certain basic things such as cooking, and just being in the home for help, can be very beneficial in allowing her to rest.  Deeper preperations such as belly binding and crystals can give the mother warmth and further comfort during her healing time.  Placenta encapsulation is also offered to allow you to use the maximum benefits your body has to offer; its own placenta!  The placenta is stored full of nutrients, blood, and minerals.  There are many different ways you can use this powerful organ in your healing process.  

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